
This blog narrates my daily experiences, joys, mistakes and triumphs in my journey. The purpose of this blog is to educate, inform, share and connect with other people.

scratch that, I copied it from somewhere.

I claim not to tell it as it is… Nope.. I will instead tell it as I see it. And trust me, things are a whole lot different from my view… A bit twisted, but a whole lot more fun!

Tell me what you make of my blog… I’m always trying to improve and I hope to get better! What would you like to see what would you not want to see? I will reply ALL E-Mails. Hit me on


greatrnk would like to keep blogging. Keep him Online. MPesa this mad blogger… Your contribution will be appreciated. You can also give him a call or drop him a text on +254 725 940 294 A hearty chat awaits.

Yours with venom,


I copied that too.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Those are memorabilia that ought to live beyond generations,ope the grand grand of ours will inherit the theme you’re creating, the greatrnk, well I might not want to describe much but surely I knew ma haterz and loved them and I still do love em’. For success to be born you need people who are demotivating you, the cause of that makes you work hard.Thanks Sane George.

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